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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Taking to the canyons

In line with our (loose) policy of not blogging daywalks this is a multi-trip post to note that some of the sons and daughters have taken to the canyons. One great thing about canyoning is that it can turn a daywalk into a real wilderness experience. It's also ideal when it's just too hot for any normal form of bushwalking, as it has been in February. Apologies for the poor quality photos.

Here is the Holy Tree that marks the track to Juggler's Canyon near Blackheath:

It is occupied by two Dryads.

Karola on one of the abseils in Jugglers - her first canyon trip.

It is a learning experience - one important thing is not to drop your belay device into the plunge pool at the bottom of a waterfall, necessitating diving for it.

Elena belaying Karola on the final abseil in Jugglers.

Next week we did Serendipity Canyon, one with a more genuinely canyon-like constricted section. It was 32C up top, making the cool canyon a very desirable place to be.

This means swimming some section...

... and abseiling down waterfalls in the dark.

Paul coiling the rope.

Daniela on the next abseil...

...into a deep pool...

and finally the light at the end of the tunnel.

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